Most Blacks suck...
Most black people are on welfare, because they dont have jobs. And, I think that all these dumbfucks should be deported.
And, most of them dont do absolutely anything for the community.
I can't stand them dumbfuck niggers who dont do anything but cause trouble.
I dont think niggers have created anything important, why do we need them?
The most important thing they created was the S.W.A.T. team.
I'm gonna describe a typical black person...
Dirt poor, smelly, has probably robbed a couple stores, doesn't have a job, but has a nice car and nice shoes.
I dont see any reason why they need to keep them on the USA.
Are they of some importance?
I, for one, don't think so.
They need to be deported, I don't know why we didn't send them all back to Africa after slavery was abolished.
But we didn't and now they make 38% of the fucking population of America.
They reproduce like flies, damn!
I'm guessing that in a century or two this entire fucking country is gonna be another Africa.
And i hope i'm dead before that happens, because I want to be able to walk down the street and not wear a fucking bullet proof vest.
Also, something else pisses me off.
White people who are racist against Blacks are being hated by everyone, but other racists.
But, if you are Black and you are racist against Whites, you get praised like some kind of fucking God.
I dont understand that...
And all these dumbass Niggers are taking over all these fucking elementary schools.
Maybe we should segregate the schools again.
Almost all these little white kids can't do anything when a 21 year old nigger is talking shit to him/her.
And I dont see the school doing anything about the Niggers beating all these little White kids into the ground.
And that's what I can't fucking stand, dumbfuck niggers failing about 10 times and being older than everyone.
Does he/she think that gives him/her the permission to be a bully?