Fuck most Mexicans


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Fuck Mexicans

All these dumbfuck Mexicans piss me off.

They smell like shit, they dont know how to speak English for their fucking lives.
It's America, speak English, fucking dumbasses.
And do you see those wetback trash houses on the border?
Driving to El Paso is so fuckin gross because they have tires on their roofs and their water is fuckin nasty.
And their skin is so fucking gross, it's like a fucking carpet.
And when they go to a restaraunt and u ask them a question about the menu they just fuckin look at you and smile and say "Yeah uh-huh, you got totillas?" In that stupid thick ass Cheech and Chong accent.
And also, they act like Niggers, and if you read that other page you know how much I hate Niggers.
And they're so stupid they think that there's supposed to be 2 wetbacks per seat in a vehicle, hence the 5 seating cars with 10 fuckin nasty ass construction working mexicans.



Special thanks to Sarah Marie, this page was her idea and it turned out pretty good.